Basketball Cabrillo Compton Interns Jordan Lakewood Long Beach City College Long Beach Poly Long Beach State Millikan Podcast St. Anthony Wilson

PODCAST: Long Beach Poly Basketball Schedule, Long Beach State Winning Streak, Interview With Student Intern Wiley Haga

This week on the show we’re talking about the best basketball teams in the city at Long Beach Poly High and Long Beach State. We also talk to one of our high school student interns Wiley Haga about his experience at The562.org. Support The562.org

Cabrillo Compton Jordan Lakewood Long Beach Poly Millikan Podcast Soccer St. Anthony Wilson

PODCAST: LBUSD Strike Trouble, Local Elite Soccer, Interview With Student Intern Aidan Currie

This week on the show we’re talking about the labor disputes within the Long Beach Unified School District and the elite local soccer we’ve been covering. We also caught up with our high school student intern Aidan Currie to talk about his experiences on the job. Support The562.org

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Basketball Cabrillo Compton COVID-19 Jordan Lakewood Long Beach City College Long Beach Poly Long Beach State Millikan Podcast St. Anthony Wilson

PODCAST: What Will 2022 Long Beach Basketball Look Like?

This week on the show we’re talking about how COVID-19 cancellations will shape the Long Beach high school and college basketball seasons. We also talk about some of the most likely championship teams this year including Long Beach State men’s volleyball, Wilson baseball and more. Support The562.org

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Compton Football Jordan Long Beach Poly Podcast St. Anthony

PODCAST: Long Beach High School Football Championship Preview Interviews

This week we’re interviewing players and coaches from the four Long Beach football teams who are playing a CIF Southern Section championship game this weekend. 13:30 Long Beach Poly head coach Stephen Barbee 18:10 Long Beach Poly senior Donovan Poe 19:00 Long Beach Poly senior Jalen Johnson 20:45 Jordan head coach Tim Wedlow 23:00 Jordan […]