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Baseball Long Beach Poly Photos Wilson

PHOTOS: Long Beach Poly vs. Wilson, Baseball

The562’s high school baseball coverage is sponsored by Tribe Athletics. Visit TribeAthlete.com for more information on their fitness community. The562’s coverage of Long Beach Poly is sponsored by Bryson Financial. The562’s coverage of Long Beach Wilson Athletics is sponsored by Joel Bitonio, Class of 2009.

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Baseball Interns Millikan Photos Softball Wilson

PHOTOS: Millikan vs. Wilson, Softball

The562’s high school softball coverage is sponsored by Playmakers. Visit LetsBePlaymakers.org for more information on their adaptive sports programs. The562’s coverage of Millikan athletics in the 2023-24 school year is sponsored by Curtis Boyer. The562’s coverage of Long Beach Wilson Athletics is sponsored by Joel Bitonio, Class of 2009.

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Baseball Interns Jordan Long Beach Poly Photos

PHOTOS: Long Beach Poly vs. Jordan, Baseball

The562’s high school baseball coverage is sponsored by Tribe Athletics. Visit TribeAthlete.com for more information on their fitness community. The562’s coverage of Long Beach Poly is sponsored by Bryson Financial The562’s coverage of Jordan Athletics is sponsored by former LBUSD superintendent Chris Steinhauser.

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Baseball Cabrillo Interns Millikan Photos

PHOTOS: Millikan vs. Cabrillo, Baseball

The562’s high school baseball coverage is sponsored by Tribe Athletics. Visit TribeAthlete.com for more information on their fitness community. The562’s coverage of Millikan athletics in the 2023-24 school year is sponsored by Curtis Boyer. The562’s coverage of Cabrillo Athletics is sponsored by the Cohn Family.

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Millikan Photos Swimming Wilson

PHOTOS: Wilson vs Millikan Swim

The562’s coverage of aquatic sports in Long Beach is sponsored by the Aquatic Capital of America Foundation. The562’s coverage of Long Beach Wilson Athletics is sponsored by Joel Bitonio, Class of 2009. The562’s coverage of Millikan athletics in the 2023-24 school year is sponsored by Curtis Boyer. Subscribe to the562 on GiveButter to make a […]

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Long Beach Poly Millikan Photos Softball

PHOTOS: Millikan vs. Long Beach Poly, Softball

The562’s high school softball coverage is sponsored by Playmakers. Visit LetsBePlaymakers.org for more information on their adaptive sports programs. The562’s coverage of Millikan athletics in the 2023-24 school year is sponsored by Curtis Boyer. The562’s coverage of Long Beach Poly is sponsored by Bryson Financial.

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Baseball Millikan Photos Wilson

PHOTOS: Millikan vs. Wilson, Baseball

The562’s high school baseball coverage is sponsored by Tribe Athletics. Visit TribeAthlete.com for more information on their fitness community. The562’s coverage of Millikan athletics in the 2023-24 school year is sponsored by Curtis Boyer. The562’s coverage of Long Beach Wilson Athletics is sponsored by Joel Bitonio, Class of 2009.