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Long Beach Unified Board Passes $11 Million Site Security Plan

Wednesday’s Long Beach Unified School District Board of Education meeting saw the board unanimously approve an $11 million Site Security Plan to fence the 28 LBUSD sites that currently have open plans. The Site Security Plan will also add a video-monitoring system to every LBUSD site that would require the office to buzz in any […]

Cross country: moore league cluster no. 1
Long Beach Poly

Long Beach Poly XC Coach Nate Bershtel Stepping Down

One of the city’s most consistently successful coaches confirmed Tuesday that he’s stepping down, as Long Beach Poly girls’ cross country coach Nate Bershtel is retiring after 11 years running the program to spend more time with his family. “It’s tough to walk away from these last 11 years, but it’s the best thing for […]

Lbsu men's basketball
Compton Long Beach Poly Long Beach State

Column: Put The Long Beach Back In Long Beach State Basketball

When Long Beach State announced that head basketball coach Dan Monson had been signed to a five-year extension last week, the university and Monson both admitted that the last few years have been below standard. With an impressive amount of candor and openness, they said that the extension will allow for a fresh start, and […]