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Basketball Cabrillo Jordan Lakewood Long Beach Poly Millikan St. Anthony

CIF-SS Boys’ Basketball Brackets Released

Six teams from Long Beach learned their postseason draws on Saturday afternoon as the CIF-Southern Section released their playoff brackets for boys’ basketball. five teams from the Moore League (Long Beach Poly, Millikan, Lakewood, Cabrillo, and Jordan) along with defending CIF champion St. Anthony are all in the playoffs, with the first round of games […]

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Basketball Jordan Lakewood Long Beach Poly Millikan St. Anthony

CIF-SS Girls’ Basketball Brackets Released

Five teams from Long Beach learned their postseason draws on Saturday afternoon as the CIF-Southern Section released their playoff brackets for girls’ basketball. Four teams from the Moore League (Long Beach Poly, Lakewood, Jordan, and Millikan) along with defending CIF champion St. Anthony are all in the playoffs, with the first round of games scheduled […]

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Football Jordan

Signing Day: Jordan Football’s John Lim Going To University Of San Diego

The562’s coverage of football in 2024-25 is sponsored by The Terry Donahue Memorial California Showcase. The562’s coverage of Jordan Athletics is sponsored by former LBUSD superintendent Chris Steinhauser. The last two years have been historic for Jordan football as a handful of Panthers have signed their National Letters of Intent to attend universities across the nation. […]

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Football Interns Jordan Long Beach Poly Millikan

FEATURE: Revived Tradition Gives Long Beach Football Players One More Game

The562’s coverage of football in 2024-25 is sponsored by The Terry Donahue Memorial California Showcase. The 605 All-Star Game, established in 1967, was a longtime tradition for local high school football players before it fizzled out in 2017. Now, the event is back, and last Saturday at Downey High School, the South All-Stars emerged victorious over […]

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Compton Football Interns Jordan Long Beach Poly Millikan Photos

PHOTOS: 605 All-Star Football Game, Intern Bonus Gallery

The562’s coverage of football in 2024-25 is sponsored by The Terry Donahue Memorial California Showcase. We’ve got a bonus gallery from the 605 All-Star Game, taken by student interns Eddie Becker, Emmie Chun, Ki’ele Ho-Ching, Kayla Jackson and Avery Peck.

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Compton Football Jordan Long Beach Poly Millikan

Football: Moore League Athletes Win 605 All-Star Game With South Squad

The562’s coverage of football in 2024-25 is sponsored by The Terry Donahue Memorial California Showcase. After an almost 10-year hiatus, the ALADS 605 All-Star Football game was back on Saturday afternoon, and the excitement showed as the South All-Stars won by a score of 29-14 at Downey High.  The South All-Stars were made up of seniors […]

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Cabrillo Jordan Long Beach Poly Millikan Water Polo Wilson

CIF Water Polo Brackets: Wilson Makes Open Division

The562’s coverage of aquatic sports in Long Beach is sponsored by the Aquatic Capital of America Foundation. The CIF Southern Section released its girls’ water polo playoff brackets this weekend, with five Moore League teams slated to begin their postseason journeys this week. Open Division  To no surprise, Wilson made the CIF-SS’ Open Division, the […]