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Baseball Cabrillo Interns Millikan Photos

PHOTOS: Millikan vs. Cabrillo, Baseball

The562’s high school baseball coverage is sponsored by Tribe Athletics. Visit for more information on their fitness community. The562’s coverage of Millikan athletics in the 2023-24 school year is sponsored by Curtis Boyer. The562’s coverage of Cabrillo Athletics is sponsored by the Cohn Family.

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Baseball Interns Jordan Millikan Photos

PHOTOS: Millikan vs. Jordan, Baseball Bonus Gallery

The562’s high school baseball coverage is sponsored by Tribe Athletics. Visit for more information on their fitness community. The562’s coverage of Millikan athletics in the 2023-24 school year is sponsored by Curtis Boyer. The562’s coverage of Jordan Athletics is sponsored by former LBUSD superintendent Chris Steinhauser.

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Cabrillo Compton Interns Millikan Photos Track & Field

PHOTOS: Millikan vs. Cabrillo & Compton, Track

The562’s cross country and track & field coverage is sponsored by an anonymous donation, in appreciation of Coach Ron Allice. The562’s coverage of Millikan athletics in the 2023-24 school year is sponsored by Curtis Boyer. The562’s coverage of Cabrillo Athletics is sponsored by the Cohn Family.