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Golf Long Beach Poly Millikan

Boys’ Golf: Millikan Outshoots Long Beach Poly

The562’s coverage of Long Beach golf for the 2022 season is sponsored from Dan and Desiree Gooch  Millikan beat Long Beach Poly 201-214 in Moore League action Wednesday at El Dorado Park Golf Course. Jake Cammarata was the medalist for the Rams with an even-par round of 36, and Nate Partain was the low finisher […]

Golf Millikan Wilson

Boys’ Golf: Wilson Beats Millikan In Moore League Action

The562’s coverage of Long Beach golf for the 2022 season is sponsored from Dan and Desiree Gooch  Wilson boys’ golf beat Millikan 187-199 in Moore League play on Thursday at Recreation Park Golf Course. Jett Adame was the medalist for Wilson with a round of 35, and Millikan’s low finisher was Jake Cammarata who shot […]

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Dan and Desiree Gooch Sponsor The562.org’s Golf Coverage

The562.org is pleased to announce our latest sport-specific sponsor. Longtime Long Beach golf supporter (and current The562.org boardmember) Dan Gooch has stepped up to sponsor all of The562’s coverage of golf from now through the end of the school year. The sponsorship from Dan and Desiree Gooch will be in support of our coverage of […]

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Athlete of the Week Compton Football Golf Long Beach Poly Long Beach State Soccer Water Polo Wilson

The562.org’s Athletes of the Week

Congratulations to our Athletes of the Week and thanks to Naples Rib Company for their sponsorship. HIGH SCHOOL Deon Johnson, Compton Football Compton’s Deon Johnson had a special night in a win over Lakewood Friday, with a rushing touchdown, an interception, and two fumble recoveries, including one for a score. Tyson Bordeaux, Long Beach Poly […]

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Golf Long Beach Poly Millikan Wilson

Wilson’s Alyson Sor Wins Moore League Individual Title

Wilson girls’ golf coach Paul Henry said junior Alyson Sor and senior Emi Sverduk are “inseparable”. They eat lunch together at school, drive with each other, and of course are best friends. It was only fitting that the two dueled it out during a five-hole playoff on the final day of the Moore League Finals […]