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Cross Country Lakewood Long Beach Poly Millikan St. Anthony Wilson

Long Beach Boys’ Cross Country Preview

All of The562’s cross-country coverage for the 2021-22 school year is sponsored by Bryson. Visit to learn more. Earlier this spring, the cross country season brought high school sports back with a fervor. Millikan freshman Jason Parra impressed from his first varsity race all the way until he claimed victory at Moore League Finals, but […]

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Cross Country

Bryson Sponsors The562’s Cross-Country Coverage For 2021-22

The562 is pleased to announce its newest sponsor of local sports coverage. Bryson is a local leader in financial and insurance services, serving the Long Beach community since 1969. Bryson has agreed to sponsor all of the cross-country coverage that will appear on during the upcoming school year. The Bryson sponsorship of cross-country coverage […]

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All City Aquatic Cross Country Millikan Swimming Wilson

All-City Freshmen of the Year: Jason Parra, Sammie Hamilton

The young talent in the city has been much improved over the past few seasons, and this year was no exception, with two freshmen proving themselves the best in the city at their sport. Jason Parra, Millikan Cross Country The long-awaited start of the 2020-21 high school sports season was also the triumphant debut for […]

Cabrillo Cross Country Softball Tennis Track & Field

Cabrillo Looking To Fill Multiple Coaching Positions

Cabrillo High is officially looking for five new coaches to start next school year. The Jaguars need softball, cross country, track and field, girls’ tennis and boys’ tennis coaches to fill empty positions. They are all walk-on coaching jobs, and the tennis positions can be combined for one coach to head both programs. Interested candidates […]

Athlete of the Week Cross Country Long Beach State Millikan Soccer Softball Wilson’s Athletes of the Week

Congratulations to this week’s Athletes of the Week and thanks to Naples Rib Company for their sponsorship. HIGH SCHOOL Jason Parra, Millikan Cross Country Millikan freshman Jason Parra won the boys’ Moore League cross country championship with a time of 15:06 on the three-mile course last week. Parra’s time was 10 seconds faster than the […]

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Cross Country Jordan Lakewood Long Beach Poly Millikan Wilson

Cross Country: Millikan Girls, Poly Boys Prevail in Epic Moore League Finals

A little more than five weeks ago, cross country brought high school sports back to Long Beach with no guarantees that a full season would be possible, or that a league final would ever take place. Those circumstances alone would have made this a memorable campaign, but the 2020-21 cross country season delivered a number […]

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Cross Country Jordan Lakewood Long Beach Poly Millikan Video Wilson

VIDEO: Moore League Cross Country Championships

Moore League Cross Country Finals 2020-21 Amazing Finish Saturday’s Moore League Cross Country Championships gave us one of the most incredible finishes we’ve ever seen. This is a can’t-miss highlight video of league finals. For more coverage of all Long Beach sports, head to We are a non-profit, community-funded media outlet in the City […]