Collage Fotor

COLUMN: Long Beach Shows Its Heart, Pride

Ask anyone from Long Beach, and they’ll tell you they’re proud to be from Long Beach. Sometimes they’ll say it without you even asking. That’s certainly been true of me for most of my adult life—but I’ve never been prouder to be from my city than I was last Monday. The night before my wife […]

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COLUMN: Understanding Through Protest Participation

I’ve participated in my fair share of protests, but none of them were as passionately thought-provoking as the one that took in downtown Long Beach on Sunday. The reaction to another senseless killing of an unarmed black citizen by the police officers who swore to protect him has been a wide range of emotions. As […]

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Baseball Column COVID-19 Wilson Youth Sports

COLUMN: Pettway Family Getting By With Positivity

“Oh, what could’ve been,” has been repeating in my head. The flow of constant uplifting stories from Long Beach sports is cut off like a faucet spun tight, and it’s left me wondering. Two months ago, one of the stories on my radar revolved around the Pettway family and what could’ve been a sensational start […]

Column COVID-19 Education

TEACHING FROM HOME: An Unexpected Expected Change In Life

Years from now, when I am telling the story of the COVID-19 shutdown to my future students, I will struggle to capture the way in which the news was both incremental and sudden, both inevitable and completely unexpected. My students — 10th, 11th, and 12th graders at Jordan High in North Long Beach — had […]

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Avalon Cabrillo Column COVID-19 Jordan Lakewood Long Beach Poly Millikan St. Anthony Wilson

COLUMN: Our Hearts Break For Long Beach Seniors

Meetings of the Long Beach Unified School District’s Board of Education are usually pretty…well, boring. Absent of any fireworks or major disagreements, they’re almost always about an hour of cordial agreement and unanimous votes. Last week’s meeting was about as far from “usual” as the Board has probably ever gotten. Superintendent Chris Steinhauser announced that […]

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Column COVID-19 ESports

COLUMN: Sports Video Games Supplying Highlights

I can’t believe I’m writing this, but video games are totally saving my sanity right now. The lack of live sporting events has left a hole in my personal and professional life, so this week I bought a used Xbox online with soccer and basketball games. Luckily, and surprisingly, FIFA20 and NBA2K have somewhat scratched […]

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Column COVID-19 Soccer Wilson

COLUMN: Wilson Soccer Juggling Toilet Paper To Pass The Time

I’m lucky to be a sports fans who can truly appreciate the internet. Not long ago, newspaper box scores and ESPN highlight packages were the only ways to find information about some sporting events. Now fans and athletes can interact everyday via social media. I’m old enough to remember watching morning SportsCenter replays with my […]

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Avalon Baseball Beach FC Cabrillo Column Compton COVID-19 Jordan Lakewood Long Beach City College Long Beach Poly Long Beach State Middle Schools Millikan St. Anthony Wilson Youth Sports

Column: Coaches Can Provide Balance Amidst Uncertainty

Lately I’ve been thinking about Mr. Miyagi’s famous quotes from The Karate Kid. Pearls of wisdom like, “It’s okay to lose to an opponent, it’s never okay to lose to fear” or “If the root is strong, the tree will survive” seem more poignant nowadays. Of all the beautiful advice written by Robert Mark Kaman […]