Finally. More than seven years since the closure of the Belmont Plaza Olympic Pool, the crown jewel of the Long Beach sports world is getting a worthy replacement. Last week the California Coastal Commission issued what should be the final “yes” vote to construct the new Belmont Pool, after years of red tape, lawsuits, rallies […]
COLUMN: Hank Aaron’s Inspiration to Long Beach Teacher
From the time I was old enough to hold a bat, my heroes were always baseball players, and Hank Aaron was the first. I was only four years old in April of 1974 when he hit his historic home run to pass Babe Ruth, so if that moment was spoken of in my home, I […]
COLUMN: Club Sports Can Support Mental Health
I’ve always believed in the power of prep sports. They cultivate a competitive spirit in young student-athletes while teaching life lessons, building strong friendships and nurturing confidence. COVID-19 shutdowns have ripped a giant hole in our community where high school sports used to be, and I think this is a perfect time for club sports […]
COLUMN: Injuries Inevitable If High School Sports Hurry Back
It’s all fun and games until somebody gets hurt. Generations of rambunctious youths have heard that cliché from concerned adults, but now’s the time to actually take heed. It goes without saying we’re thrilled at the prospect of seeing Long Beach sports return from the COVID-19 shutdowns. It would be a gift to and from […]
COLUMN: Two Americas, Two Long Beaches, Two Pandemics
There is one COVID-19, but there are two COVID-19 pandemics. One is the pandemic I see discussed endlessly on Twitter and Facebook and in newspapers and on television. It’s the pandemic that’s being experienced by middle class Americans and white collar employees. They’re working from home, they’re (understandably) upset and emotional at the things they’ve […]
COLUMN: Reflecting On A Historic Year For Dodgers, Lakers
We’re Long Beach-first guys, as you know. But we also recognize that Long Beach is a Dodgers and Lakers town, and we’ve got some thoughts on this historic year, which saw both teams win a championship for the first time since 1988 (when we were toddlers or, in Tyler’s case, not quite born). Mike When […]
COLUMN: Emotional Seeing Kids Back on Field
When my son lays out his shirt, pants, socks, and underwear before he goes to bed, I know he’s excited for what the next day is going to bring. He did it last Saturday night, and to be honest I was so excited for the next morning that I almost did the same. Sunday morning […]
Column: New CSULB Shark Mascot Not That Big A Deal
How did you react when the United States Government admitted that it’s in possession of “off-world vehicles not made on this earth” last month? They chose a time of global pandemic to flip-flop on a hotly debated topic, and I doubt it changed your mind about the existence of intelligent life outside this planet. Last […]
COLUMN: Back on the Couch Again
The last four months have been a long, strange odyssey for our family, and for so many others in America. Whenever anyone asks how my wife and I are doing, we always say something along the lines of, “Can’t complain.” We’re both still employed and our family is healthy–that puts us ahead of millions of […]
COLUMN: Can We Keep the Drive Through Graduations?
Like most people in Long Beach, I cannot wait for the COVID-19 clouds to pass us by, and to resume something resembling normal life. I’m craving an absent-minded trip to Target or a an anxiety-free date night down in the center of my bones. But even as we continue to muddle through this strange new […]