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Football Long Beach Poly Soccer

FEATURE: Aaya McLyn Stars for Long Beach Poly Flag Football

The562’s coverage of Long Beach Poly is sponsored by Bryson Financial. The562’s coverage of girls’ flag football is sponsored by the Los Angeles Chargers. Although flag football is only in its second year in Long Beach, it has already produced outstanding athletes. Aaya McLyn is one of the current stars of Moore League flag football, […]

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Long Beach State Volleyball

Long Beach State Volleyball Defeats Pepperdine

The562’s coverage of Long Beach State Volleyball is sponsored by Naples Island Car Wash. Visit NaplesIslandCarWash.com to learn more. Long Beach State women’s volleyball defeated Pepperdine at the Walter Pyramid Saturday in a hard-fought match, concluding a busy weekend for the Beach, as they played Washington on Thursday and Washington State Friday. Long Beach State […]

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Long Beach Poly Tennis

Long Beach Poly Pickleball Club Hosts Local Tournament

Photo courtesy Daniella Eisman In the past year, pickleball emerged as the latest sports craze and has swept across the country. Today in Long Beach, hundreds of people participate in the popular sport at parks and gyms across the city. Pickleball, founded in 1965, gained popularity over the recent COVID-19 pandemic. As the pandemic limited […]

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Long Beach Poly Track & Field

FEATURE: Long Beach Poly Frosh Star Benjamin Harris

This is a student intern project–story by Leila Holland, video by Noah Smith, photo by Monique Taylor The562’s cross country and track & field coverage is sponsored by an anonymous donation, in appreciation of Coach Ron Allice. Long Beach Poly has produced a multitude of successful track and field athletes: Ariana Washington, Kenya Payne, and […]

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Baseball Interns Jordan Long Beach Poly

Baseball: Long Beach Poly Beats Jordan

The562’s high school baseball coverage is sponsored by Tribe Athletics. Visit TribeAthlete.com for more information on their fitness community. The562’s coverage of Long Beach Poly is sponsored by Bryson Financial The562’s coverage of Jordan Athletics is sponsored by former LBUSD superintendent Chris Steinhauser. Long Beach Poly baseball faced off against Jordan at Bohl Diamond at […]

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Basketball Lakewood

CIF Basketball: Lakewood Girls Make Semis For First Time, Beat Beckman

The562 Internship program is funded by the LBUSD and donations from the Hoy family, the JuJu Foundation, David Cooper, Robert Booth, and Elgato. The562’s coverage of Lakewood Athletics is sponsored by J.P. Crawford, Class of 2013. Lakewood girls’ basketball had an exciting victory against Beckman at home, winning 64-53. This big win for the Lancers kept their […]

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Long Beach Poly Soccer

Boys’ Soccer Long Beach Poly Wins Big On Senior Night

The562’s coverage of Long Beach Poly is sponsored by Bryson Financial Long Beach Poly boys’ soccer had an emotional and exciting Senior Night while beating Jordan 6-0 on Wednesday. The dominant win secured Poly’s second place in Moore League. Poly brought high intensity and energy from the first whistle. Their aggression allowed Anthony Martinez Urrutia to […]

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Basketball Long Beach Poly Millikan

Girls’ Basketball: Long Beach Poly Wins Big At Home

The562’s coverage of Long Beach Poly is sponsored by Bryson Financial The562’s coverage of Millikan athletics in the 2023-24 school year is sponsored by Curtis Boyer. Long Beach Poly reinforced its Moore League dominance with an 81-13 statement win over visiting Millikan last Friday. Poly’s Brooklyn Taylor led the Jackrabbits in scoring with a game-high 15 points. […]