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Long Beach Poly Photos Water Polo

PHOTOS: Long Beach Poly vs St Joseph CIF Water Polo

The562’s coverage of aquatic sports in Long Beach is sponsored by the Aquatic Capital of America Foundation.

The562’s coverage of Long Beach Poly is sponsored by Bryson Financial.

The Jackrabbits came from behind to defeat St. Joseph 9-8 in the CIF-SS Division 3 water polo quarterfinals. They advance to next Tuesday’s semifinals where they’ll host Flintridge Sacred Heart.

Lilly Otero
Lilly Otero is a junior student-athlete in the PACE program at Poly. She became an intern and began shooting games for at the start of the 2024-25 football season. She has been overjoyed in expressing herself and her personal view of the sports everyone knows and loves through photography, journalism and social media.