Football Wilson

FEATURE: JoJo Apisala Becoming A Leader For Lakewood

The562’s coverage of football in 2024-25 is sponsored by The Terry Donahue Memorial California Showcase.

The562’s coverage of Lakewood Athletics is sponsored by J.P. Crawford, Class of 2013.

After months of practicing in T-shirts and shorts, the first day of contact in full pads is a pivotal moment for any high school football team.

Coaches usually set up a drill like “Oklahoma” where four players participate in a staged play. The offense has a lineman and a running back, and the defense has a lineman and a linebacker. On the sound of the whistle, the running back tries to score by getting past the defenders.

No matter how loud the coaches holler to fire up their team, it takes a player delivering an initial hit to get it going. The sound of the pads cracking is like a bell for Pavlov’s dogs.

JoJo Apisala was that player for Lakewood at their first full contact practice in August. The senior transfer from St. Anthony exploded out of his stance and ran right through the defender. The loud sound of the hit was only outdone by the sound of his Lancer teammates cheering, and the rest of the drill felt more alive.

“He’s brought a spark to our offense, and also his leadership and demeanor is starting to bleed through and spread throughout our entire program,” Lakewood coach Justin Utupo said of Apisala. “He’s a great football player and an even better person.”

Apisala is a 5’10” 210-pound running back who can deliver a hit or run around a defender. He’s averaging 120.3 rushing yards per game and 7.5 yards per carry (64 rushes, 481 yards) with three touchdowns.

Off the field, Apisala has been getting to know his new teammates by taking them to church with his family. One of them is quarterback Kade Casiillas, who had never been to church.

“I’m a firm believer that when we grow our relationship with God we grow our relationship together,” Apisala said. “God needs to be the center of everything. Life, sports, school. We’ll thrive in that.”

“I think that brought us closer together by going to church with him and learning more about God,” Casillas added.  “I knew he was really into (church) and I wanted to open up a new part of me and get to know him. The way he was about the church and took notes at the lecture and stuff like that… The environment there was just, it was nice. It felt at home. We have more of a bond now.”

Apisala has also been thriving on the field because of his calm and studied approach to the game. For example, he hurdled a defender in the game against Edison earlier this month because of his dedication to watching opponents film.

“I was waiting for it,” Apisala said. “(The Edison defender) is a patent hitter, he doesn’t like to come up and hit. I was just waiting for him. I kept dropping my shoulder on him. Once I got him to bite on my shoulder drop, I saw that opportunity and I took it.”

Even though the highlight was Apisala avoiding contact, he thinks that searching for big content early in the game has helped him.

“It (wakes) me up and (gets) me into the game,” he said. “The best thing to do is not cower and give it right back to (the defender). It also gets your nerves out of the way and helps you for the rest of the game.”

Apisala is already becoming a team favorite with his hard playing style and approachable personality off the field, but knows that because he’s in the right place to be himself.

“It was a sudden change (at St. Anthony when coach Raul Lara left) so I was looking for an (transfer) opportunity where I could also have a coach who is a role model and I found coach Utupo and I felt like (he and his assistant coaches) are really great people. When I got here I immediately felt a brothership with all the boys.”

Lakewood will rely heavily on Apisala and fellow punishing running back Nytrell Miller during the upcoming Moore League season if the Lancers want to repeat their late season success they had last year when they went to a two-back set.

The Lancers start league play by hosting Compton on Friday. Kickoff is scheduled for 7 p.m.

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By The562 Network Inc

JJ Fiddler
JJ Fiddler is an award-winning sportswriter and videographer who has been covering Southern California sports for multiple newspapers and websites since 2004. After attending Long Beach State and creating the first full sports page at the Union Weekly Newspaper, he has been exclusively covering Long Beach prep sports since 2007.