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Basketball Interns Jordan Video Wilson

VIDEO: Wilson vs. Jordan, Boys’ Basketball

The562’s coverage of Long Beach Wilson Athletics is sponsored by Joel Bitonio, Class of 2009.

The562’s coverage of Jordan Athletics is sponsored by former LBUSD superintendent Chris Steinhauser.

Boys’ Basketball: Wilson vs. Jordan

We’ve got some highlights from Wilson’s win over Jordan during Moore League action. For more coverage of all Long Beach sports, head to We are a non-profit, community-funded media outlet in the City of Long Beach, covering primarily sports and education.

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By The562 Network Inc

Cash Lira
Hey, I’m Cash Lira. I’m mostly interested in photography and video, and have been gaining experience the last two years. I’m always willing to branch out and do different and new things, and I’m really excited for this internship, it’ll be a good experience.