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Lakewood Long Beach Poly Wrestling

Wrestling: Lakewood, Long Beach Poly Split League Match

The562’s wrestling coverage for the 2023-24 school year is sponsored by Emigh Dental Care.

The562’s coverage of Long Beach Poly is sponsored by Bryson Financial

The562’s coverage of Lakewood Athletics is sponsored by J.P. Crawford, Class of 2013.

The Long Beach Poly girls’ wrestling team took another big step toward a Moore League title Wednesday night as they went on the road and defeated Lakewood 69-12 to remain unbeaten in league play. 

After their league opening win against Millikan the Jackrabbits have defeated Wilson and Lakewood with a combined score of 144-8 to move to 3-0 in the Moore League. 

Wednesday night’s win was highlighted by a Moore League championship rematch as Poly’s Berlynn Solia-Tago went up against Lakewood’s Kayla Selvidge. 

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Solia-Tago was ready for the task as she pinned Selvidge for the win and the two could end up facing off again in the Moore League finals. 

“She beat me last year, but I worked really hard this year to get ready,” Solia-Tago said. “It felt really good to get the team win too because we all put in the work.”

The Jackrabbits started fast winning the first six matches – five by pin and one by forfeit. 

On the boys’ side, Lakewood was able to split the dual by defeating Poly 45-23 taking advantage of the Jackrabbits having some guys sidelined with injuries and picking up big wins in key matches.

It was back and forth early after Poly forfeited two matches but came back to take a 13-12 lead after a big win by Nathan Itchon. But after falling behind 16-13, Lakewood’s Matthew Sanchez pinned his opponent to give the Lancers a 18-16 lead and they wouldn’t give it up as they won 6 of the last 8 matches – two coming by forfeit – to cap the victory.

“I’ve lost to Poly twice already,” Sanchez said. “It was a JV match, so to be on varsity – I was nervous, but I grinded really hard the past two months and to beat their varsity it shows that it’s paying off.”

Moore League action will continue in January when Lakewood hosts Millikan on the 18th and Poly hosts Jordan on the 11th.

Results from the match:


100: Poly’s Riley Pestanas pinned Lakewood’s Brooklyn Wilson
105: Poly’s Heyde pinned Lakewood’s Katherine Oliva
110: Poly’s Daniela won by Lakewood forfeit
115: Poly’s Reighlene Valdez pinned Lakewood’s Monique Madrigal
120: Poly’s Princess Nicole Comia pinned Lakewood’s Fallon Jones
125: Poly’s Princess Kristine Comia pinned Lakewoods Angelica Frias
130: Lakewood’s Viriangie Monano-Rosario pinned Poly’s Roselyn Uce
135: Poly’s Taylor Glavas pinned Lakewood’s Joselynn Dado
140: Poly’s Dalila Preciado pinned Lakewood’s Ciara Montiel
145: Lakewood’s Mia Pryor pinned Poly’s Metzli Garcia- Santiago
155: Poly’s Berlynn Solia-Tago pinned Lakewood’s Kayla Selvidge
170: Poly’s Pasek Selieni won by Lakewood forfeit
190: Poly’s Hadasha Alvarado pinned Lakewood’s Kaydence Coukart

235: Poly’s Raven Ross won by decision vs. Lakewood’s  Ashley Wafer

Boys:106: Poly’s Gerardo Tellez-Gil won by major decision vs Lakewood’s Anthony Peregrina
113: Lakewood’s Ethan Tang won by forfeit
120: Lakewood’s Robert Carbajal won by forfeit.
126: Poly’s Eduardo Sandoval pinned Lakewood’s Daniel Perez
132: Poly’s Nathan Itchon won by decision over Lakewood’s Jordyn Gaither
138: Poly’s Jayden Ekong won by decision over Lakewood’s Tyler Muk
144: Mathew Sanchez pinned Poy’s Edward Mather
150: Lakewood’s Daniel Quezada won by over Poly’s Elias Encarnacion
157: Poly’s Alek Carrera won by major decision vs Lakewood’s Andrew Mum
165: Lakewood’s Andrew Hollemback pinned Poly’s Alberto Olague
175: Poly’s Jose Palomera won by decision over Lakewood’s Jerlan Cruces
190: Lakewood’s Nelson Ramirez pinned Poly’s Eduardo Reyes
215: Lakewood’s Brandon Kim pinned Poly’s Kevin Bennett
285: Lakewood’s Brendan Bennett won by Poly forfeit

PHOTOS: Long Beach Poly vs. Lakewood, Girls’ Wrestling
PHOTOS: Lakewood vs. Long Beach Poly, Boys’ Wrestling
Matt Simon
Matt Simon has been covering sports since 2013. After graduating from Long Beach State, he has covered sports for multiple publications throughout Southern California.