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Long Beach Poly Signing Day Video

VIDEO: Long Beach Poly Signing Day, Intern Highlight

The562’s coverage of Long Beach Poly is sponsored by Bryson Financial.

The562 Internship program is funded by the LBUSD and donations from the Hoy family, the JuJu Foundation, David Cooper, Robert Booth, and Elgato.

Long Beach Poly Early Signing Day, Xai Ricks Decision

Video by 562 student intern Noah Smith

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Noah Smith
My name is Noah Manuia Jeremy Smith, and I'm a sophomore from Long Beach Poly High School. Besides running track and riding my bike, Becky, one of my favorite things to do is creating. Whether it's films, photos, art, or designs, I just like bringing ideas and stories to life for others to see, which is why I joined 562. I'm really excited to see what Long Beach has in store this year. Hope you like what you see from me. Viia Le Atua. Love, Seven.