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Water Polo Wilson

Wilson Boys’ Water Polo Hosting Alumni Game, Silent Auction

The562’s coverage of aquatic sports in Long Beach is sponsored by the Aquatic Capital of America Foundation.

The562’s coverage of Long Beach Wilson Athletics is sponsored by Joel Bitonio, Class of 2009.

The Wilson boys’ water polo program is hosting its alumni game and silent action on Saturday at Long Beach City College.

Former Wilson water polo players will take on current players at 3 p.m. and then the post-party and silent auction will be at Legends Sports Bar & Grill.

Alumni shirts and hats will be for sale, and VIP tickets are available HERE

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By The562 Network Inc

JJ Fiddler
JJ Fiddler is an award-winning sportswriter and videographer who has been covering Southern California sports for multiple newspapers and websites since 2004. After attending Long Beach State and creating the first full sports page at the Union Weekly Newspaper, he has been exclusively covering Long Beach prep sports since 2007.