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Cabrillo Lakewood Long Beach Poly Millikan Standings Water Polo Wilson

STANDINGS: Long Beach Boys’ Water Polo

This week, all of The562’s coverage is sponsored by Long Beach Gives. Visit to find your cause and support local nonprofits! Donations will be accepted through Sept. 21.

The562’s coverage of Aquatic sports in Long Beach is sponsored by the Aquatic Capital of America Foundation.

The562’s standings, schedule, and rankings stories are sponsored by International City Plumbers.


Here are the Long Beach boys’ water polo standings a week before Moore League play starts.

Support on Long Beach Gives provides a platform for Long Beach athletes at the middle school, high school, collegiate, and professional level. With over 200,000 unique visitors to the website in the last year, The 562 boasts an audience that’s grown over 150 percent from year one to year

JJ Fiddler
JJ Fiddler is an award-winning sportswriter and videographer who has been covering Southern California sports for multiple newspapers and websites since 2004. After attending Long Beach State and creating the first full sports page at the Union Weekly Newspaper, he has been exclusively covering Long Beach prep sports since 2007.