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Athlete of the Week Century Club The562.org

The Century Club Sponsors The562.org’s Athletes of the Week 

The562.org is pleased to announce our latest sponsor. The Long Beach Century Club has stepped up to sponsor The562’s Athletes of the Week series from now through the end of the 2022-23 school year.

The Club’s generous donation will support our popular weekly series, which recognizes the top high school and college athletes in the city, something the Century Club has been doing since its founding in 1957. We’re proud to be longtime members of the Club and to have lent our efforts in support of the Club’s mission of supporting amateur athletics in Long Beach for so many years.

“The 562 does a great job of spotlighting the athletes and teams in Long Beach, and that’s what the Century Club is all about,” said Century Club president Mike Fillipow. “We’re proud to partner with the great work that they’re doing.”

“The Century Club has supported local student-athletes for generations, we’re honored to be recognized by them and to have their help in continuing our mission,” said The562.org publisher Andy Kerr.

Athletes of the Week has become one of our most popular recurring features, honoring hundreds of local athletes over the last four years. You can click here to see our full archive. 

The Century Club is the latest organization to support The562’s award-winning local sports coverage. Previous sponsors include LBUSD Board of Education member Megan Kerr sponsoring baseball and softball coverage,  Dan and Desiree Gooch sponsoring golf coverage, John Ross sponsoring Jordan coverage, the Cohn family sponsoring Cabrillo coverage, Joel Bitonio sponsoring Wilson coverage, Naples Car Wash sponsoring Long Beach State volleyball coverage, P2S, Inc sponsoring our Dirtbags coverage, Bryson Financial sponsoring this year’s cross country coverage and Aqualand sponsoring water polo.

As a non-profit news outlet, The562 depends on reader support and sponsorships in order to cover the Long Beach community. If you’re interested in sponsoring The562’s coverage, or coverage of a specific school or sport, email Tyler@The562.org or visit our Support page to get involved. Any donation made to The562 is fully tax-deductible.

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Mike Guardabascio
An LBC native, Mike Guardabascio has been covering Long Beach sports professionally for 13 years, with his work published in dozens of Southern California magazines and newspapers. He's won numerous awards for his writing as well as the CIF Southern Section’s Champion For Character Award, and is the author of three books about Long Beach history.