Joseph has been a photographer for 15 years specializing in sports and action. Being a SoCal native and former athlete has driven his enthusiasm to give Long Beach the best sports coverage available.
The562’s coverage of Millikan athletics in the 2022-23 school year is sponsored by Curtis Boyer. The562’s coverage of Lakewood Athletics is sponsored by J.P. Crawford, Class of 2013. The Hamilton Trophy will be on the line tonight at Lakewood, where the newly renovated John Ford Stadium will host its biggest game in years. The Millikan […]
After a two-year absence caused by COVID-19, the Long Beach Century Club’s Sports Night Banquet recently made its return in a packed house at the Grand. The club’s 65th awards banquet recognized the top high school and college athletes in the city, as well as many volunteers from the local sports world, and also crowned this […]
As 2020 rapidly became a year for the history books, with a global pandemic eventually sharing the spotlight with civil unrest across the globe, sports was asked to take a back seat this year. Yet even with no games to play, Long Beach’s athletes didn’t fade into the background, but instead came forward in the […]