CIF Boys’ Basketball: St. Anthony vs Dominguez
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CIF Boys’ Basketball: St. Anthony vs Dominguez
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The562’s coverage of Lakewood Athletics is sponsored by J.P. Crawford, Class of 2013. The562’s coverage of Jordan Athletics is sponsored by former LBUSD superintendent Chris Steinhauser. If Lakewood or Jordan are able to meet their expectations and make a deep playoff run next month, they should both look back on January 12 as a key moment […]
On this episode we’re talking about how the CIF Southern Section football brackets are decided and trying to figure out which division your favorite school will be in.
The562’s standings, schedule, and rankings stories are sponsored by International City Plumbers. After the first round of league play here’s where things stand in the Long Beach baseball world with a list of this week’s games below the standings box. Note: Standings based on reported results. Coaches can report scores/weekly results as well as schedule listings […]