CIF State Basketball: Long Beach Poly vs. Narbonne
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CIF State Basketball: Long Beach Poly vs. Narbonne
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Friday was a memorable and historic night for Long Beach football and the Moore League. The league went 3-1 in the first round to advance three teams to the quarterfinals for the first time since the early 1980s. Long Beach Poly, Jordan, and Compton all won games–it was the first time the Panthers had advanced […]
If you believe the rankings, this isn’t Long Beach Poly’s year. The Jackrabbits aren’t in the national polls, and they’re No. 11 in the first CIF-SS rankings of the year. Jackrabbits head coach Carl Buggs isn’t that worried about it. That’s in large part because he remembers what it was like when he and his […]
The Long Beach Poly girls’ volleyball team hadn’t played a match in three weeks and had to travel to Bakersfield for their CIF State Division 1 opener against Liberty on Tuesday afternoon. It was a long trip for the Jackrabbits, but worth the drive as they made a loud-and-clear statement that they’re ready for State […]