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Changes to the upcoming high school sports season continued this week as the CIF State office announced that the Regional and State Championships for the fall season had been canceled. The announcement means that there will be no state champions crowned in any fall sports, including football. The changes do not apply to the CIF-Southern […]
The562’s soccer coverage for the 2022-23 school year is sponsored by Beach Futbol Club. The562’s coverage of Long Beach Poly athletics in the 2022-23 school year is sponsored by Poly alum Jayon Brown and PlayFair Sports Management. The562’s coverage of Long Beach Poly athletics in the 2022-23 school year is sponsored by JuJu Smith-Schuster and the JuJu Foundation.
The Millikan boys’ golf beat Long Beach Poly 417-425 in an 18-hole Moore League round on Thursday at El Dorado Golf Course. Jacob Betts took the medalist honor for Poly with a 1-over round of 73. MJ Delacruz was the low finisher for Millikan with a round of 78. Millikan: Christian Bourgeios 81, Hayden Seaver […]