We’ve got some great shots from the game from photographer Art O’Neill of All-In Press.

The562’s standings, schedule, and rankings stories are sponsored by International City Plumbers. The562’s coverage of high school volleyball in 2023 is brought to you by the MLP’s Bay Area Breakers. THIS WEEK’S SCHEDULE: Tuesday, Oct. 10 Poly at Wilson Millikan at Lakewood Cabrillo at Compton (4 p.m.) St. Anthony at Bishop Montgomery (6 p.m.) Thursday, Oct. […]
With just one day left in the first round, the Moore League boys’ volleyball standings are logjammed at the top. Long Beach Poly lost to Millikan earlier this week and Lakewood defeated Wilson, then on Thursday afternoon Poly rebounded with a four-set win over the Bruins, 25-20, 25-18, 18-25, 25-17. That creates a three-way tie […]
The562’s coverage of Dirtbags Baseball for the 2022 season is sponsored by P2S, Inc. Visit p2sinc.com to learn more. Only six games into the 2022 season and it’s already been quite a roller coaster ride for the Dirtbags. After winning a series on the road against defending national champion Mississippi State, the Dirtbags came crashing […]