We’ve got some great shots of Long Beach Poly’s sweep of Millikan from photographer Stephen Dachman.

The562’s coverage of Long Beach Poly is sponsored by Bryson Financial The562’s coverage of Jordan Athletics is sponsored by former LBUSD superintendent Chris Steinhauser. It’s been a long year since Jordan swept Long Beach Poly in the 2022-23 Moore League boys’ basketball season, winning both times they played the Jackrabbits. Poly didn’t bother pretending that […]
The562’s high school baseball coverage is sponsored by Tribe Athletics. Visit TribeAthlete.com for more information on their fitness community. The562’s coverage of Millikan athletics in the 2023-24 school year is sponsored by Curtis Boyer. The562’s coverage of Long Beach Poly is sponsored by Bryson Financial. It’s not too often the word “undefeated” gets thrown around in a Moore League […]
This week, The562’s coverage is sponsored by Long Beach Gives. Visit LongBeachGives.org to find your cause! Donations will be accepted through Sept. 22. With the new playoff format last year, the number question we got at every practice we went to was about playoff divisions. With that in mind we’re going to track where teams stand each […]