562 tickets
Cabrillo Soccer The562.org

The562.org, Megan Kerr Donate Student Tickets To Cabrillo

When we started the562.org, Long Beach’s first and only non-profit journalism source, we said that one of our goals was to support the city’s sports community in new and innovative ways. We’re proud to announce today that we’ve teamed up with Long Beach Unified School District board of education member Megan Kerr to donate 60 student section tickets to Cabrillo High to make sure that their students can be on hand for this Saturday’s historic CIF Southern Section championship game.

The Cabrillo boys’ soccer team is playing in the CIF-SS final at Warren High at 1:30 p.m. It’s the first-ever CIF-SS championship game appearance for a Jaguars program.

“We appreciate the support and generosity of The 562 and Megan Kerr,” said Cabrillo vice principal Stacie Alexander. “This will provide an opportunity for many of our students to celebrate their peers and their school.”

With support from the community, we hope to be around to make and record memories for Cabrillo and the other Long Beach high schools for years to come, and would love to make buying student section tickets for championship games a 562 tradition. Please click the link to find out how you can support our non-profit outlet, and Go Long Beach!